Two- Week Groundwork Class


Two- Week Groundwork Class


Groundwork is the beginning of a confident, physically developed, educated horse. It is how we advance the horse in body, mind and emotion. We systematically teach the horse how to best respond in situations, so that they will gradually be able to project those responses to other situations, including under saddle. A horse that has not been intentionally developed on the ground is more likely to have pain/injury issues. They are also more likely to become scared or confused and panic while we’re riding them. It is the single most effective way to reduce the risk of accidents with our horse. It is also the best place to develop our timing and feel with the horse to further their understanding of our requests.

This 2 week series will give participants the information and practice necessary to begin the journey to a solid ground foundation. It will be followed by a 3 week riding foundation series for those who are ready to move forward to that.

This 2 week class runs April 19th, and 26th from 1-3pm in Tumalo.

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